Ferrari continues its efforts to fight the Covid-19 pandemic Maranello, 16 April 2020 – Ferrari has started to produce respirator valves and fittings for protective masks at its Maranello plant... 000
Waze Activates its Community and Partners for COVID-19 Relief 16 April 2020, Kuala Lumpur – In response to the COVID-19 outbreak around the globe, Waze has activated its community and network of... 000
SOCAR MALAYSIA LAUNCHES SOCAR BUSINESS MOBILITY PLAN TO PARTNER WITH AND SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES SOCAR Business Mobility assists businesses and delivery agents with transport solutions KUALA LUMPUR, 15 April 2020 – SOCAR Mobility... 000
ROLLS-ROYCE CHALLENGES YOUNG MINDS TO DESIGN THEIR OWN LUXURY CAR 14 April 2020, Goodwood Aspiring house-bound designers invited to design their dream Rolls-Royce Overall winner, as judged by the Ro... 000
Simple Car Maintenance: The 5 Things You Can Inspect Yourself We might have been neglecting our vehicle during this MCO as we are not allowed to travel to any other places further than 10km from... 000
10 Car Care Pro-Tips to Keep You Occupied During MCO – drivingMotion Following the Movement Control Order (MCO), most Malaysians have been told to stay put at home and restrict setting foot out of thei... 000
The Ferrari Roma and the F8 Tributo receive the Red Dot Award – drivingMotion Ferrari has conquered a grand total of 17 Red Dot Awards since 2015 Ferrari has just received the prestigious 2020 Red Dot: Best of... 000
THE ROLLS-ROYCE ‘SPIRIT OF ECSTASY’ FABERGÉ EGG As we celebrate the festive Easter season, Rolls-Royce is pleased to share previously unreleased images of the Spirit of Ecstasy Fab... 000
ETCM launches ‘NISSAN ONLINE SHOWROOM’ – drivingMotion KUALA LUMPUR, 10 April 2020 – Edaran Tan Chong Motor Sdn. Bhd. (ETCM) today introduced its Nissan Online Showroom, an alternative so... 000
GRAB PARTNERS WITH GOVERNMENTS OF SELANGOR AND FEDERAL TERRITORY OF KUALA LUMPUR TO MAKE BAZAR RAMADAN FAVOURITES CONVENIENTLY AVAILABLE FROM HOME Bazar Ramadan favourites will be available on GrabFood GrabExpress to help micro-entrepreneurs and social sellers address surge in o... 000