What Makes A Car Safe for Driving? Chitchat With M'sian Jay Chow (Sze J) in A Subaru XV
For most people, vehicle safety is a box that must be ticked when they purchase a vehicle because they care for their own safety. For people with families, then their precious cargo makes safety paramount in their rides.
YS Khong takes a drive with our Malaysian version of Jay Chow, a.k.a Sze J, a very accomplished driver, and the subject drifts into road safety and how one can be a better and safer driver.
Actually there is more to safety other than the regular ADAS features we know.
Check out how the construction or nomenclature of a vehicle actually can contribute to the overall safety – the very fact that you can stay on the road when everyone else is struggling, especially in the wet is a win already.
Do watch the video as YS and Sze J share insights into the safety of a vehicle, in particular the Subaru XV, which incidentally has more than 100 in-built safety features